wysiwyg3d 3d laser scanning nowra manufacturing plant 018

Nowra Manufacturing Plant

3D Laser Scanning Nowra Manufacturing Plant The Nowra plant is one of four manufacturing plants and is the largest of its kind in the world. To meet increased demand from local and export markets they needed to increase production and expand their facilities to incorporate the most advanced industry technology available. This represents a major…

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wysiwyg3dau tasman rock wall 3dlaserscanning heritage

Tasman Rock Wall

Our client required volume calculations for the Tasman Rock wall to determine the impact of a nearby mine. Our team used the terrestrial laser scanner to capture data off the 30metre long and 15 metre high cliff face and adjacent area. Back in the office the engineers at Wysiwyg 3D processed the data creating the…

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3D scanning the Boyd Residence

Architect designed penthouse apartment Sydney uses 3D Scanning A 27 million dollar apartment owner has high standards and the challenge started way before the scanning process took place. 3D Scanning is the perfect solution for this problem. Enth Projects, specialists in elite design fit outs were facing a major problem when they could not create a…

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wysiwyg3d 3d laserscanning Mining Cutter Head

Mining Cutter Head

3D Laser Scanning of the Mining Cutter Head with the purpose of re-lace the cutting picks, changing the spacing from 70mm to 40mm. A cutter head machine is a piece of excavating equipment consisting of a boom-mounted cutting head, a loading device usually involving a conveyor, and a crawler travelling track to move the entire machine…

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wysiwyg3d 3d scanning mining manufacturing engineering

3D Scanning for Manufacturing

Onsite Scanning, 3D Probing and modelling of individual welded plate components for manufacturing purposes. Using the latest in 3D scanning technology each welding plate was 3D Scanned and 3D Modelled individually. Totalling over 100 plates, every one of the bore holes fit tightly and accurately. With a 2 day turn around WYSIWYG had the files…

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Auto Guided Vehicles for Warehouse wysiwyg3d 3d scanning

Auto Guided Vehicles for Warehouse

3D Scanning makes Automation simple and easy for Warehouse Facility Scanning and remodelling of every rack of a warehouse facility based in Smithfield for forklift automation Our client has been a supplier of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) to Australia and New Zealand for over 40 years. They have been at the forefront of many developments in…

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