wysiwyg3d 3d scanning roof bolter

Roof Bolter

3D Scanning used to create new parts for existing Roofbolter A roof bolter is a specialised machine designed for drilling holes and installation of safety bolts in roofs and walls of mines, power plants, tunnels and storage facilities. Challenge: Our client needed a digital twin of the existing machine so that new attachment pieces could…

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wysiwyg3d- mulwala bridge Commercial 3D Laser Scanning Services Sydney

Mulwala Bridge

Repair Mulwala Bridge with Minimal Disruption The bridge between the Victorian & NSW border towns of Yarrawonga and Mulwala spans a section of Lake Mulwala. The bridge opened in 1924 and is an integral part of how the two towns operate and exist on a daily basis. As the main means of crossing the Lake…

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wysiwyg3d 3d scanning mining engineering

3D Scanning for Mining in Malaysia

3D Scanning in Malaysia Whilst our client was based in Sydney they needed some 3D Scanning done in Malaysia of a mining mill. Nothing unusual about that, except the mine site is 2 hours from Kuala Lumpur in the jungle. The mine site would be shutdown for routine maintenance and we had only 12 hours to complete all…

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BIM & Feasibility Study Wysiwyg3d-3dscanning-engineering-railwork-005

BIM & Feasibility Study

3D Scanning for BIM and Feasibility Study For this project it was determined by the design team to utilize a combination of 3D scanning techniques and the power of 3D design software to communicate across the design team the options, issues and assumptions associated with this project. Traditional survey techniques would have created a basic…

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wysiwyg3d 3dscanning dimesionalcontrol

Dimensional Control

3D Scanning for Dimensional Control Problem: Bottom blocks deform when left on the pallet for maturing. When cut into 1 or 2kg blocks can’t make uniform loft. Solution: Scan 8 pallets (480) blocks of cheese and check what the deformations are compared to the block nominal size. It kept track of the type of cheese,…

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