Flight Deck Oxygen Masks wysiwyg3d 3dscanning kreon scanner

Flight Deck Oxygen Masks

Neighbours to the Sydney Scanning team, Aircraft Equipment Overhauls and Sales (AEOS) is a family owned company who has been providing superior maintenance services for a diverse range of aircraft components and associated products. Challenge The AEOS engineers were required to perform servicing and testing on Emergency Oxygen Masks used by the Flight Deck including…

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Repair of Helicopter Fuselage Hatch

3D Scanning and Printing used to Repair Helicopter Fuselage Hatch Challenge: NSW rescue helicopter was grounded due to a damaged fuselage hatch. Disruption to foreign supply meant a 10 week delay for replacement parts and a daily $15,000 cost to the operator while the helicopter was out-of-service. A fast, local solution was needed to get…

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Australian Air Force RAAF wysiwyg3d 3d scanning geomagic

Australian Air Force RAAF

RAAF reduces time on ground with digital shape sampling and processing (DSSP) The RAAF contacted Wysiwyg 3D Pty Ltd to help streamline the repair process. Wysiwyg’s solution included a Platinum seven-axis FARO arm 3d laser scanner, Geomagic Studio (currently Design X ) and Geomagic Qualify (currently Control X)  digital shape sampling and processing (DSSP) software. …

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