Heritage Property Reynolds St Balmain Wysiwyg3d-3dscanning-heritage-balmain

3D Scanning needed for redevelopment of Heritage Property in Balmain

The scope was to 3D Scan and remodel of each fascade, every wall, structural beam, steel column, doors, window and roof component (rafters, hips, collars, ceiling joints, props/struts) of the building.

The original brief included retaining and refurbishing the existing heritage building to accommodate new upmarket housing, high-end retail and public space.

It is as complicated as it sounds. Within all the norms and rules that surround heritage sites and buildings in Australia, the architects and property developers had put together an approach that would allow them to develop modern housing in a heritage listed frame, not easy.


After 2 full days of scanning, the interior and the exterior of the building was captured in its entirety and in colour.

As per the scope each and every element was remodelled as individual entities after that.

The data was then aligned to survey coordinates (MGA), so all the further work could be done in global coordinates and then exported ready to be used in Autodesk REVIT where the architects feel comfortable the most.

For more information on 3D Scanning for Architecture and Construction Contact Us