Replicating the Hyde Park Bas Reliefs for the Hyde Park Anzac Memorial
Every now and then you get a job that makes your heart sing – and this job was one of them – for 2 reasons, It’s the Hyde Park Anzac Memorial – it’s a part of Australian history and our great grandfathers were Anzac’s. The second reason is another company tried to 3D Scan the Bas Reliefs and failed!
Now we don’t like people or companies to fail, it’s how we learn but it’s nice to know that we were called back to replicate the reliefs the way they deserve!
Surveyors are big picture thinkers, generally, they don’t need or use the 3D Scanners required for these types of projects and that’s where we come in – we’re engineers, we specialise in the details and can achieve micron accuracy.
It’s all in the details, the equipment, the preparation, the 3d laser scanning technique, 3ddata processing and 3d software knowledge. After all we have been 3dscanning for 20 years and we might know a thing or two.
You can see the difference between our data with a mere 22.5 million triangles compared to our competitors with 4.7 million triangles.
Access was limited, to minimise disruption during the busy pre-Christmas shopping period we 3D scanned the Bas Reliefs at night. Using multiple scanners we captured both detail and overall length. Bas Reliefs are also shiny and black, normally this would prove challenging to other providers but for the team at Wysiwyg 3D, this was a challenge we experience time and time again.
Our biggest challenge on this project was the amount of data collected, the computers were working overtime so we segmented the data to enable parallel processing.
Our 3D Data was then used to manufacture life-size replica moulds using 3D Printing and cast in a marble resin composite (by others).
For more information on 3d laser scanning or 3d modelling for your art, sculpture or heritage project Contact Us or if you require more information on any other 3d scanning project Email Us