Recreating The Kiss

6 Couples from varying backgrounds in different age groups posed naked for Recreating The Kiss. Using the latest in 3D Laser Scanners each of the couples were 3D Scanned taking only minutes to complete. For the first time ever Auguste Rodin’s “The Kiss” has left Europe and landed (very carefully) at the Art Gallery of NSW…

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Wysiwyg3d Quasi by Ronnie Van Hout 08

Quasi by Ronnie van Hout

Ronnie van Hout is a New Zealand artist that currently lives in Melbourne. He works across a wide variety of media including sculpture, video, painting, photography, embroidery, and sound recordings. His latest piece is a crafty and clever rooftop sculpture that sits on top of Christchurch Art Gallery’s building. It is a giant hand with…

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wysiwyg3d 3d laserscanning Mining Cutter Head

Mining Cutter Head

3D Laser Scanning of the Mining Cutter Head with the purpose of re-lace the cutting picks, changing the spacing from 70mm to 40mm. A cutter head machine is a piece of excavating equipment consisting of a boom-mounted cutting head, a loading device usually involving a conveyor, and a crawler travelling track to move the entire machine…

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wysiwyg3dau tasman rock wall 3dlaserscanning heritage

Tasman Rock Wall

Our client required volume calculations for the Tasman Rock wall to determine the impact of a nearby mine. Our team used the terrestrial laser scanner to capture data off the 30metre long and 15 metre high cliff face and adjacent area. Back in the office the engineers at Wysiwyg 3D processed the data creating the…

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wysiwyg3d 3d scanning kosh art

3D Scanning Kosh Art

3D Scanning from Kosh Art Artist and Sculptor Phylssa has produced a range of sculptures that are scalable to suit a variety of spaces for the art lover. Phylssa had a range of prototypes 3D Scanned, each part accurately scanned so they could be assembled later. With a click of a button, each sculpture could…

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