Wysiwyg3d Quasi by Ronnie Van Hout 08

Ronnie van Hout is a New Zealand artist that currently lives in Melbourne. He works across a wide variety of media including sculpture, video, painting, photography, embroidery, and sound recordings.

His latest piece is a crafty and clever rooftop sculpture that sits on top of Christchurch Art Gallery’s building. It is a giant hand with a grim face that peers down at the city below.

The hand and face are based on the artist – Ronnie van Hout’s own, WYSIWYG 3D was involved in providing the 3D scans of his hand and face as well as the consolidation of ideas from concept to object.

Ronnie named his piece “Quasi” and on an interview to Afternoons he said: “I saw it on top of the building like the quasimodo character from The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.

For more information on Quasi, Visit the Christchurch Art Gallery New Zealand.